Deep Roots, Shared Values

Empowering District 2: A Legacy of Commitment, A Future of Unity

Rooted in the heart of District 2, my family’s nearly 80-year history here shapes my dedication to our community. My father, a devoted pastor, has been a pillar of service in our community for over 30 years, instilling in me a deep commitment to our district’s well-being.

As a proud graduate of Grant Union High School, I am deeply connected to the values and experiences that have molded me. This bond fuels my determination to nurture and elevate our community.

My vision for District 2 intertwines our rich heritage with innovative progress, honoring our past while embracing a future that values every voice. By honoring the wisdom of our elders and engaging the vitality of our youth, we can forge a healthy, more equitable community.

Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey, bridging generational gaps and embracing diversity. Building a stronger, more inclusive District 2, where diversity is our strength, and our best days are yet to come.

I would be honored to have your vote.


Stephen Walton

Candidate for Sacramento City Council, District 2